Friday, April 26, 2024

Official On Zello

Zello Channel:

The Official Charly Tango International DX-Group has its own channel using the Zello app.

You can find us by typing the following channel name.

You can also download the free Zello app for your cell phone at Play Store.

73s, Alex 13 CT 30

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Back tracking your own HF-signal - The use of SDR technique

Online SDR from Pardinho, Brazil

 Did you ever wonder how to make sure that your signal can be heard in different countries while trying to have a DX-contact with them ?

First of all someone might tell you about it but just in case you don't receive an answer of your CQ a SDR website could be used for receiving your own signal while transmitting which provides you the information about if your signal could be received and it also indicates how strong your signal might be in the area where the SDR is located. A Web SDR stands for a Software-defined Radio Receiver which can be tuned via Internet which gives you the abillity of using a remote controlled receiver far away from your QTH without any human responding to your call.

For connections with South America I like to use the SDR receiver from Pardinho in Brazil which is located about 200 kilometers west from the City of Sāo Paolo. It might be also interesting listening to the range of other stations being received in Pardinho you probably can't hear on your own radio but on the SDR. Sometimes those stations are still able to receive your signal i.e. from North America to which I made a QSO to Florida while listening to that station and my own signal at the Pardinho SDR.

Pardinho Web SDR, Brazil

Just give it a try and set your working frequency at the SDR. Sometimes it doesn't need much PWR to hear yourself back. Beside lot's of Brazilian stations there is a big receiving range from foreign signals available depending on propagation. If you are an Amateur Radio licence holder you might choose a quite frequency for testing your receiving signal to this device in Brazil while CB radio operators have to expect way more QRM most of the time. 

The Pardinho Web SDR belongs to the Ham radio OP William, PY2GN, and its antennas seem to be quite impressive not only from the pictures view but also from the receiving range of his Web SDR compared to others. At last this is why I personally like to use the Pardinho SDR much more than different SDR providers in that area.

Martin, LU9EFO, wrote a special report on Willams Web SDR in Pardinho, Brazil.

For other Web SDR pages I recommend the map of Kiwi-Web-SDR on which you will find the best SDR station for your needs worldwide.

73's and good DX, yours Alex, 13CT30

Tuesday, April 9, 2024

13CT1 keeps Charly Tango alive - Stickers for CT members now available

 Now that time has passed since the esteemed founder of the Charly Tango Club Eberhard Albrecht died in 2000, his successor Wolfgang has finally adopted his call sign and has risen to number one in the call sign list in honorable continuation to the previous founder of the Charly Tango International DX-Group.

Admin of Charly Tango Wolfgang M.

His old call sign 13CT1203 is now free and can be reassigned.

With the admin's call sign change the Charly Tango International DX-Group now offers its members stickers with their call signs on it.

Sticker at Wolfgang's car

They are available in black or white, dimensions 25cm diameter for 5 EUR per piece or 12.5cm diameter for 2.50 EUR per piece. Plus 2 EUR shipping.

If you would like to have one or more, please do not hesitate to contact Wolfgang via email and place your order with him. He will forward it to the CT member who makes the stickers.

Charly Tango - Special Santa Claus QSL

This time the Charly Tango International DX-Group provides a special EQSL with season greetings for each QSO with a Charly Tango member. You...